John P. Gibson (John Gibson) – Financial Advisor/Broker John Gibson Sold the High-Risk Investment, GPB Automotive Nader NekvasilApril 24, 2020john gibson, john p gibson, financial advisor, broker, investment fraud, gpb, gpb funds, gpb capital, gpb automotive
Henry E Crosby Jr. (Henry Crosby) – Financial Advisor/Broker Henry Crosby Sold the High-Risk Investment, GPB Automotive Nader NekvasilApril 24, 2020henry crosby, henry e crosby, gpb capital, gpb, gpb automotive, gpb funds, financial advisor, broker, hightower securities
Kubiak Financial Services of Lawrenceville, GA – Goodman & Nekvasil, P.A. May Recover Investor Losses Nader NekvasilApril 21, 2020kubiak financial services, gpb capital, gpb, gpb funds
Darren Michael Kubiak (Darren Kubiak) - Financial Advisor/Broker Darren Kubiak Allegedly Sold the High-Risk Investment, GPB Funds Nader NekvasilApril 21, 2020darren kubiak, gpb, gpb capital, gpb funds, financial advisor, broker